Frequently asked questions
What is an Authorized Instructor?
An Authorized instructor is a select individual that has completed the application and interview process with Safe Connect U.S and has been deemed Authorized to teach for Safe Connect outside of our learning centers.
What is the AI designation and Badge?

The Safe Connect Authorized instructor (AI) designation allows for the use of "AI" or "Authorized Instructor" as part of an individual's title. The AI badge is a digital representation of an individual's status as an Authorized Instructor. Both can be displayed on an individual's website, email signature or other once they have successfully been awarded with the AI designation by a Safe Connect Principal.
How much is it to become an Authorized Instructor? and why join?
Becoming an AI may open unique opportunities for earning potential by creating multiple revenue streams. If you qualify, you should apply. It's simple and it's completely free to sign up.